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The Pain-Free Way to Jump Start Your Spring Cleaning

by | Mar 27, 2018

The birds are chirping, the sun is staying out longer, and we’re slowly moving into spring. This also means it’s time to shake off the winter blues and clean out your NYC apartment for the warmer months. Clothes, boxes, and other mysterious items lying around your apartment all need to be sorted and packed away, sold, or donated.

When in Doubt, Write it Out


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To start, think about preparing a list of supplies you’ll need and a list of the things you’d like to accomplish during your spring cleaning. Along with your lists, put together a basket with all the essential items that you’ll need, starting with the basics like plastic bags, disinfecting wipes, window cleaner, gloves, and paper towels. Consider starting with a smaller area in your apartment, instead of jumping into the water with the sharks.

You and a few plastic storage containers will become best friends during all of this. They’ll help you organize and clear the clutter that has been piling up in your home. Having plastic containers will allow you to neatly pack things away and store them elsewhere.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy


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The stress that comes with spring cleaning is colossal but you need to start somewhere. To make the cleaning process less of a headache, sit down and decide where in your apartment you’re going to start and when is the best time for you to do it.

By picking a date ahead of time, you’ll be able to take care of any errands or appointments you have prior to your cleaning day. Keep in mind this whole project will take more than one day, so be sure to set aside a few extra cleaning sessions as well. Even though it’s tempting to just watch Netflix or go out with friends, stay committed and get through this. You can do it!

Oh, There’s That Shirt!



Start by putting your items in separate piles to decide what you want to do with them. Make a pile for items that you need (don’t include items that you found, think you need, and then once again forget about them for several months), a pile for items that you can donate or sell, and a pile for items that are considered trash.

Since you probably haven’t cleaned your apartment in a while, you might stumble upon items from past relationships, gifts from ex-friends, or some old knitted sweaters from your grandma. Throw out anything you don’t need, except for the sweaters, they should be treated like gold (mostly we’ve had so many snow storms this winter).

Pump Up the Jam

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Invite a few friends over to come and help you, just bribe them with pizza and drinks. Tag teaming this project with a few friends will make it less painful, and more fun.

Turn the music all the way up and dance like you’re Tom Cruise in Risky Business (but not on your couch). Have some cocktails, make some food, and have a good laugh at some of the things you’ll stumble across. Slowly, your space will start to take shape and you’ll once again have an apartment that is comfortable, clean, and organized.

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